Skills and Services

construct solutions

… for biopharma and medical device companies to engage with thought leaders, patient advocacy organizations and government officials to achieve results that improve access to care.

Gwen is a problem solver with experience in every field of healthcare from bedside to bureaucracy.  She pulls from a breadth of knowledge and connections to find a solution.  Building something from scratch is her power play.

  • Championed the reversal of a 22-year-old CMS non-coverage NCD for the artificial heart securing coverage with evidence development (ABIOMED)
  • Chaired first benchmark study of the status of women’s health (Kentucky Department of Public Health)
  • Chaired two Surgeon General’s Workshops – Organ Transplantation and Hispanic/Latino Health (DHHS)
  • Conceived of, a toll-free hotline to assist women with coverage of preventive services under ACA (National Women’s Law Center)

coach patients

…to tell their stories in the most meaningful way so their experiences are memorable and equally if not more valuable than data and stats.

Patients want to be involved; their experiences are valuable to regulators and thought leaders.  Gwen helps patients and patient advocacy organizations ensure the patient’s voice is heard.

  • Writer and Video Consultant, A Patient Storytelling Guide,  (Edwards Lifesciences, 2021)
  • Built PREP (Presentation Review of Expert Patients), a multi-tiered, customized training program for patient advocates (Edwards Lifesciences)
  • Project Manager, Industry-Led FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development meeting (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association)
  • Coached patient advocates for participating in state and federal legislative activities (NPAF)
  • Coached patients to tell their story to professional audiences, lawmakers, and regulators (WomenHeart)
  • Faculty, North American Transplant Coordinator’s Organization training programs (NATCO)

communicate policy

…in plain language so that patients and decision-makers can understand their impact on access to care and potential for better care.

Government-speak and legalese are common parlance for DC-insiders but cumbersome and cryptic for those outside the DC beltway. Gwen unpacks and translates what’s happening into everyday language.  She demystifies it for you and gets you headed in the right direction.

  • Columnist, “Beyond the Examining Room” (Medscape Women’s Health, 2000-2005)
  • Author, Voice of the Patient Report:  Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCMA, Industry-Led Patient Focused Drug Development meeting, 2020)
  • Author, Women’s Heart Health Across the Lifespan (Healthy Women, 2020)
  • Writer, Comparative Effectiveness Research (white paper) (Center for Medical Technology Policy)
  • Editor, THE 10Q REPORT: Advancing Women’s Heart Health Through Improved Research, Diagnosis and Treatment (WomenHeart and The Society for Women’s Health Research)
  • Speaker, Patients as Public Actors: Making Patient-Centric Public Policy
  • Writer, Physician Payment Sunshine Act (white paper) (Applied Policy)

connect leaders

…on pathways to achieve maximum participation and influence in health policy decisions.

You’re looking for options to move the needle. Gwen helps sort through the professional societies, consultants, analysts, and advocacy organizations to develop an action plan (or two) that yields results.  Every project is uniquely crafted.  Gwen finds the win-win for everyone at the table.

  • Facilitator, DEcIDE ESRD Comparative Effectiveness Study Expert Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
  • Committee Member, American Heart Association’s Professional Education Committee (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)
  • Member, Cardiovascular Measurement Development, National Quality Forum
  • Consultant, reimbursement strategy and coalition builder (Natural Cycles)
  • Designer, Claims Data Project for Impact of ACA on Out-of-Pocket Expenses for Women Using IUDs with Guttmacher Institute (Bayer)
  • Lead, Creation of new ICD-9 codes for the medical devices; realignment to IPPS highest reimbursement levels (ABIOMED)
  • Chair, Policy Consortium (National Patient Advocate Foundation full-day policy conference)
  • Member, Patient and Caregiver Engagement and Advisory Committee at National Quality Forum

clients served

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